April 30, 2010
Political Ping-Pong Balls
Arizona has taken a stand. If the Feds won't enforce the immigration laws, they will do it themselves. Actually, they HAVE been doing it all along, they are just now making it official as well as highly visible.
Yes, some of the immigrants are victims in a sense, but this has to be done to protect citizens from those illegal immigrants who sneak in and open drug distributorships, human trafficking way houses, and kidnap for ransom anyone who protests. Murder is the favorite tool of their business.
Apparently the politicians who strive to pass amnesty laws think it is worth all the above death and mayhem to get more votes for their party. That is the real bottom line. Drugs, murder, human trafficking, are all ok if it gets more votes. Those otherwise law-abiding immigrants who entered illegally are far overshadowed by those who came here expressly to commit vile crimes against each other and against our sovereign country.
Amnesty at this point in our history would be a huge mistake. A wink and a nod to the drug culture of the Central Americas would plunge us ever deeply into a chasm we cannot escape. Amnesty was tried before, and failed miserably during the Reagan years.
This is not a racial issue as claimed by the left, and it never was. It is a matter of who shall have the right, the privilege, to live in our country. Is it to be hard working, honest people or should it be just any scum who can slither their way under a fence and into our country? If those murderous thugs did not exist here in America, the rest would be left alone as they have been in decades past.
Those politicians who espouse amnesty are trading your personal safety for votes to keep themselves in office so they can commit further trespasses against your life, your personal freedoms.
Think about it. The poor, the disenfranchised, always get the worst treatment. And this time it is from the very party they have counted on and have been led to believe will save them.
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