Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Michele Bachmann

Career Politician, Michele Bachmann

If you are hoping for reform in Washington, don't vote for Bachmann. I was seriously considering her because she looks so good on paper, and in polls.

But recently I saw her rhetoric in action on a Bob Schieffer segment, and she left me cold. Almost every question Bob had for her was fended off as she answered questions he did not ask. I was sorely disappointed to see her in action, obviously dodging valid interview questions by making statements that would have, under other circumstances, made her look like an ideal candidate.

Two thumbs down for Michele ... see the interview HERE

"Indeed, Bachmann simply would not answer any of Schieffer's points about her mounting record of falsehoods, trying instead to "pivot" the interview and make it about Obama's supposed misleading statements. It's like trying to talk to a trained robot, programmed never to admit to anything like lying -- so of course, it lies in order to do so."

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