Sunday, August 02, 2009

Obama Health Care Bill: The Return Of Aktion T4

Obama Health Care Bill: The Return of Aktion T4?
We received the following from Jan Poller, the same person who alerted us to the reams of anti-Semitic hate speech and 9/11 denial at’s now-disgraced Action Forum. We encourage our readers to compare elements of Barack Obama’s health care plan (give the senior citizen a pain pill instead of a pacemaker) to a similar public health care plan that existed from about 1939 to 1941.

An open letter to our Congressman on how bills are written and the Health care bill in particular
by Jan Mel Poller

This is an open letter. For it to be effective, it needs wide circulation. If you agree, please distribute this to friends, family, your mailing list and post it to your blogs.

Jan Mel Poller

Dear Senators and Representatives:

A number of you have made it obvious that you refuse to read the Health Care Bill that you are voting on. It seems that your staff hasn’t read it either. I am taking on the role of an unpaid intern to tell you what is in the bill.

Before I get to the nitty-gritty, I have a few points to make with you.

You were elected by us to represent us, not to represent the President of the United States. We pay your salary and we vote you in or out of office.

We, the citizens of the United States, are entitled to read and comment on the bills submitted to you. According to the 1st Amendment to the Constitution we are allowed to petition our government. When major changes are slipped into a bill in the middle of the night, to be voted on the next day, We the People are denied the right to understand what you are doing and to submit our objections.

Rep. John Conyers told us that bills are too complicated to read without lawyers. In the military, we have men and women with high school educations maintaining advanced fighter planes, nuclear submarines, nuclear powered aircraft carriers and all other weapons systems. They can do this because they have manuals that are clear and don’t require an advanced engineering degree to understand. Looking at the Senate and House bills, I venture to say that even lawyers can’t understand the obfuscating and convoluted language. I believe that this is done on purpose. We expect plain language in our laws. If you can’t understand what a bill says, you are obligated to reject the bill.

The Health Care Bill (whatever you name it) is particularly troublesome. It is as though you are trying to deceive us. If you are going to limit health care availability, tell us that in plain language. I should not have to deduce this from listening to Committee discussions on C-Span.

My wife and I were listening to the Rangel and Waxman House committees on the proposed bills. They did not come out and say they were going to restrict health care availability. What they did talk about was:

· Closing 45% of the Medical Imaging Centers

· Closing all Doctor Owned Hospitals

· Not letting a hospital add facilities and beds without federal government approval

What right does the government have to close private businesses that comply with all the laws? (You did this to car dealers putting about 250,000 people out of work.) IF the demand for these facilities exists, they will survive, otherwise they will fail.

A personal note: I am 70 years old. Four years ago, I had colon cancer. I was operated on and given chemotherapy. The decisions were made by my doctor, a committee of doctors reviewing the case, and myself. Recently, a routine test of an antigen showed an increase. A second test 10 days later showed a further increase. I was given a PET/MRI combo scan that showed metastases to my liver. This occurs in something like 60% of colon cancer patients. I was operated in something like two weeks from the second antigen test. I am now undergoing chemotherapy. I have a fear, based on the committee discussions and statements by the President, that due to my age, I might be denied these treatments under the so-called Healthcare Bill. If I was not operated on and be given the chemo for the metastases, I would be dead before the end of the year. With the surgery and chemotherapy that I am now taking, I now have a good chance of living more than 5 more years.

The government computer may think that I have no value to society and thus dying is the best option for the good of the country. [Our side note: Can anybody say "Aktion T4?"] That I am writing this article is proof that I do have a function.

We don’t like Marxist philosophy being slipped in by using obfuscating language. You give power to “The Secretary” to limit how much many an insurance company can make. You don’t tell us this. We deduce this because “The Secretary” can demand that a company rebate money to the insured. At the same time, the president has appointed a “Compensation Czar” who will tell us how much people can earn.

In summary, We the People want thoughtful deliberations and time to read understandable bills. We do not want to be hustled, railroaded, lied to or misled.

If health care for uninsured is in a crisis, then take some of the money from the Stimulus Bill and cover these people while the new laws are worked out. Since we have no way to hold a referendum for citizens to change society changing bills being pushed through the House and Senate, I think that these bills should not be voted on before the people elected in 2010 take office in 2011. That allows us to make our desires as a society known.

Now that we know how poorly Congress has been working, we want these changes immediately. Your re-election depends on it.

Jan Mel Poller

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