Saturday, October 10, 2009

Barred From The Base

This is an excerpt from an excellent account which points out a common abuse by authority where private gains overshadow justice, ethics, and morals. Please click the link at bottom and read the whole story.

I have tried for over two years to tell my side of the story but it seems that nobody wants to listen. I have been maliciously prosecuted, harassed, threatened and fired from my job after I caught a civilian smuggling a pistol aboard three military bases and a military aircraft. Even now, as an honorably discharged retired Navy officer, I am barred from entering my local Navy base because of a few gutless cowards who would rather do what is easy than to do what is right. It is time to disinfect all of them by exposing this story to the light of truth. Here it is.

Most normal people will find this story to be completely unbelievable so I am going to write a narrative that is as short as possible without omitting critical details and let the original documents tell the story. These documents have come into my possession as a result of what has happened to me since August 3, 2006. As you read through this, you will undoubtably think that there must be another side to this story; it doesn't make sense. There isn't. If you don't believe it, submit a Freedom of Information Act Request for the complete transcript of the Mize investigation to Commanding Officer, Naval Base Ventura County. I have nothing to hide and the documents don't lie.

I was the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of Naval Outlying Landing Field, San Nicolas Island from February 2005 until June 19, 2007, when I was fired from my job by my commanding officer, Captain Brad Conners of Naval Base Ventura County.

On August 1, 2006, I held my regular Island staff meeting with the senior leadership of the Island. One of the topics brought to my attention was that somebody reported hearing gunshots early in the morning on the north side of the Island. I directed my security department Chief to investigate and step up the early morning patrols. This meeting was attended by a representative of the Environmental Department.

Two days later on August 3, two civilian men entered the San Nicolas Island air terminal with a Ruger .22 magnum pistol and a case of ammo. They asked the terminal watch officer how they could have them flown off the Island. My airport security personnel overheard this conversation and immediately took the weapon and ammo into custody and called the Island CDO (Command Duty Officer) and myself to make a report. I then called my Chief Staff Officer, Captain Kiwus (next in my chain of command) and made a voice report of the incident and followed it up with an email to him and Captain Conners.

The San Nicolas Island Air Operations Chief’s statement was attached to that email and explains how the pistol got on the Island in the first place. Embedded in the Chief's statement is a statement from the Channel Islands Air National Guard aircraft commander regarding how an Environmental Department employee named Grace Smith smuggled her pistol and ammo aboard his aircraft. Grace Smith is the Island biologist and a government employee of the NAVAIR Environmental Department.

An investigation by my Air Operations Officer, Chief Air Traffic Controller Christian Pettie, revealed that the two men with the pistol were contract cat trappers who were hired by the Environmental Department to trap feral cats on the Island. Here is an email from Grace Smith, (MS Word document) requesting to bring one of the trappers to the Island, since he was not a US citizen.

Read More HERE.

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