Monday, October 19, 2009

Rick Sanchez: Bigot

Rick, The Reverse Racist


I have recently watched as Rick Sanchez, CNN Talking Head, attempted and failed to trip up Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona.

The only thing more stupid I have seen him do is to attempt to give Ibrihim Hooper, leader of C.A.I.R. enough credibility to refute the stance of the United States Government in regards to C.A.I.R. and it's documented ties to terrorism.

On two shows within the span of a week, Rick has had the good Sheriff appear live on his show while berating him with accusations of 'arresting people (illegal aliens) based on the clothes they were wearing', and 'flaunting a mandate' by the Federal Government to stop arresting illegals.

What an ass. But, I enjoy watching as he twists and skews the words of the federal agent to make his case to Arpaio, then twisting and skewing Arpaio's words to try to rile up the agent. Neither was impressed, neither was fooled. Sanchez was merely fooling himself. How desperate he must be to trot this charade before his dwindling audience in a pathetic plea for more viewers.

You must tune in from Noon to One weekdays as Rick reads selected exerpts from his Twitter loonies (Twits?). They all appear to agree with him, but if you go to his page yourself you will see a far different picture. Hardly anyone there agrees with him.

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