Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Brain Dead Country

Our Brain Dead Country
By David Horowitz On November 9, 2009 @ 8:11 pm In FrontPage | 160 Comments

A Muslim fanatic with an Internet site [1] praising Islamic suicide bombers as defenders of their comrades is a Major in the U.S. Army with access to military intelligence and lethal weaponry. And it's not as though the army didn't know that he was a Muslim fanatic and supporter of the Islamic jihad [2] against the West. He was under investigation for six months because of his anti-American [3], jihadist rantings. He did not want to be deployed. He wanted to be discharged.

But despite his identification with America's enemies, the army kept him in its officer corps. How in God's name was this possible? But it was. And so, after calling America the "aggressor" in Afghanistan and Iraq, this Muslim jihadist traitor army officer picks up his semi-automatic weapons and heads for the center at Ft. Hood where soldiers are being deployed to fight the jihadists in Afghanistan to conduct his massacre. Yet this morning the Fox News Channel chiron says "Investigators search for a motive in the Ft. Hood killings." Is everybody out of their mind?

The Ft. Hood killings are the chickens of the left coming home to roost. Already the chief political correspondent of The Nation [4] has decried even mention of the fact that the jihadist killer Hasan is a Palestinian Muslim. [5]According to The Nation this is "Islamophobia." This fatuous attempt to protect America's enemies carries on The Nation's 60-year tradition as the leading fifth column collaborator with America's enemies [6] ­ defender of the Rosenbergs, defender of Hiss [7], defender of their boss Stalin [8], defender of Mao [9], defender of Castro [10] and now defender of Islamic terrorists. But The Nation is only the tip of an iceberg. The fifth column formed out of the unholy alliance between radical Islam and the American left is now entrenched in the White House and throughout our government. And in matters like the Muslim jihadist Major Hasan our military is its captive.

The Fort Hood massacre is the first of the preventable atrocities we have been warning about on our [11] websites [12] since 9/11 ­ the atrocities which are apparently necessary for Americans to wake up to the threat that confronts us. We have a vast internal threat in this country in the form of this unholy alliance between the anti-American Left and radical Islam [13]- whose Muslim Brotherhood [14]network extends through our universities [15], our government and our military. It is "politically incorrect" [16] to recognize this fact. You can be barred ­ as I have been ­ from speaking at universities for even talking about it. The embargo of discussion of the Islamo-fascist [17] threat puts every American (including the infidel collaborators) at risk. Hasan had semi-automatic weapons. But they weren't nuclear. That possibility is just around the corner unless we undergo a sea change in our attitudes and marshal the intelligence and the courage to recognize the threat.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine: http://frontpagemag.com

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2009/11/09/our-brain-dead-country-by-david-horowitz/

URLs in this post:

[1] A Muslim fanatic with an Internet site: http://newsrealblog.com/2009/11/05/to-msnbc-the-least-important-thing-about-killer-army-doctor-is-he-was-a-muslim-who-compared-suicide-bombers-to-soldiers-who-throw-themselves-on-grenades-to-protect-others-meltdown-with-keith-olberma/

[2] Islamic jihad: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catId=124&type=issuehttp://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catId=124&type=issue

[3] anti-American: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catid=94&type=issue

[4] The Nation: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6779

[5] has decried even mention of the fact that the jihadist killer Hasan is a Palestinian Muslim. : http://www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat/493148/horror_at_fort_hood_inspires_horribly_predictable_islamophobia

[6] fifth column collaborator with America's enemies: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catid=129&type=issue

[7] Hiss: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2278

[8] Stalin: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2042

[9] Mao: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2073

[10] Castro: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=912

[11] on our: http://frontpagemag.com../

[12] websites: http://www.jihadwatch.org/

[13] unholy alliance between the anti-American Left and radical Islam : http://www.amazon.com/Unholy-Alliance-Radical-Islam-American/dp/0895260263/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257520147&sr=8-2

[14] Muslim Brotherhood : http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6386

[15] extends through our universities: http://newsrealblog.com/2009/11/03/the-islamic-war-on-freedom-at-usc/

[16] "politically incorrect": http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/1994%20May-June%20Vol%202,%20No.pdf

[17] Islamo-fascist: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catid=183&type=issue

[18] Image: http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffrontpagemag.com%2F2009%2F11%2F09%2Four-brain-dead-country-by-david-horowitz%2F&linkname=Our%20Brain%20Dead%20Country%20%26%238211%3B%20by%20David%20Horowitz

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