Monday, November 02, 2009

Police Department Duped By CAIR

In the new blockbuster book, Muslim Mafia, the authors give an account of how CAIR, working in tandem with a county police officer, helped scuttle a valuable counter-terrorism training program — and left the door wide open for a breach of a classified police database, putting all of us at risk!

Here is a point by point summary of the details from the book that should shock you and make your blood boil!

  • The Fairfax County (Virginia) Police Department (FCPD) had a training contract for its officers with the Higgins Center for Counter Terrorism Research, which it maintained for several years without complaint.

  • Then, at least two Muslim officers on the force complained about the program — one of them a sergeant named Mohammad Rasool.

  • CAIR complained as well, claiming the program portrayed Islam in a “bad light.” In fact, CAIR officials had at least two phone conversations to complain about the program with the FCPD’s Chief, David Rohrer.

  • In 2006, the FCPD canceled the counter-terrorism training program.

  • Also that year, Chief Rohrer spoke at CAIR’s annual fundraising dinner, where he said, “Let us choose tolerance over intolerance, acceptance over prejudice, and understanding over ignorance.”

  • Unbeknownst to Rohrer, Rasool was combing through a classified federal police database. Why? Because a fellow Muslim told Rasool he thought he was under surveillance. Rasool’s search through the classified database confirmed that the fellow Muslim was under surveillance. Rasool then tipped him off.

  • When agents went to arrest Rasool’s friend, they found him destroying evidence. Knowing they had a mole, agents worked backward and discovered it was Rasool.

  • The very counter-terrorism training program CAIR and the two Muslim officers complained about, and Chief Rohrer canceled, was in part designed to help prevent what Rasool did!

In other words, this was a case, not of the “fox guarding the henhouse,” but the “fox” (Rasool and CAIR) telling the “farmer” (Chief Rohrer) that the “henhouse” shouldn’t be guarded — because doing so would offend the fox!

This is just ONE example of how government officials, intoxicated with political correctness, have been duped by CAIR.

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