Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chase Credit Card? Think Again ...

Chase Credit Cards Complaints

Chase is rated 45th out of 50 Top Banks in America, just under CITIBANK
Chase Credit Cards has a well established practice of delaying or losing payments in order to maximize their profits illegally. If you suspect your payment has been delayed or intentionally lost I urge you to contact the Comptroller of the Currency, HERE.

Colleen of Warren, MI May 19, 2010

I had a Washington Mutual Visa card for 4 years when they were transferred to Chase. My rates went up once Chase took over which was bad enough. That was approximately one year ago. My card with chase has an expiration date of May, 2010. I had not received a replacement card and wondered about that but figured it would come by June 1. On Monday, May 17 I received a letter from Chase Bank informing me that they had chosen NOT to renew my credit card with them and if I would like to know their reasoning to contact Experian?

I have NEVER been late on this account, always double and triple above the minimum amount due. I was STUNNED. I am STILL stunned. Called customer service and was given the basic brush off of sorry ma'am - make any disputes regarding your credit report with Experian, there is nothing we can do. Please continue to make payments on this account, however. Unbelievable. It seems from this site that they are targeting Washington Mutual customers. It is a shame they are allowed to do this to people.

I have used this card for over four years for a small personal business I have. This has really thrown a wrench into things being that it has come so last minute. I had placed an order for supplies for my company - and thought they were on the way when I was told the order had been declined. I used another card and made a mental note to call Chase when I received the "were not renewing" letter from Chase on Monday morning.

Sandi of Santa Rosa, CA May 19, 2010

I have had a Chase credit card for 25 years and have always been a member in good standing. Then they raised my interest rate to 29.99% and I promptly paid off my balance and stopped using the credit card - keeping the credit card for emergencies. Now, a year later Chase notified me that they are cancelling my card and the my card cannot be kept open and I cannot open this card in the future "because of the type of card" - whatever that means. Basically I have to accept this and I have no recourse and this is a horrible way to conduct and keep clients - which I guess they do not need anymore.

Gail of Marietta, GA May 18, 2010

I have a Chase Visa Credit Card that had a payment due on May 9, 2010 which was a Sunday. I took the payment to the a Chase bank location on Piedmont Road in Marietta, Georgia on 5/7/2010 and put it in the deposit box knowing that it would be processed the next day which would have been 5/8/2010. I have never been late because I know how these banks like to charge those outrageous late fees.

Today I got my statement and saw that the payment had not been processed until the 5/10/2010 which was a Monday, a 39.00 late fee has been added to my balance and the APR was increased. I talked to 3 Chase customer services people and each one said that the fee could not be reversed. I think the due date was a calculated move so that Chase could charge (who knows how many people) that late fee. I know that my payment was not late and I feel that the late fee should be refunded and the original APR should be reinstated. Shame on Chase Visa Credit Card Services.

Naider of Tampa, FL May 18, 2010

I have a Chase Visa card with due date on May 09, 2010 and I scheduled a Bank of America bill payment in Apr, 2010 to pay the bill of 28.52 in full on May 09, 2010. The payment went through on May 10, 2010 and the Chase Visa card charge me late fee 15 plus interest 1. I called Chase Visa card customer service number on May 18, 2010 and they said I should use Chase bill payment service and my payment will be timely paid on May 09, 2010 (Sunday) instead of May 10, 2010 (Monday) and there will be no late fee.

The Chase credit card representative said their position is firm and there are no exception. A payment received on Monday is late for a due date on Sunday and the late fee and interest must be charged. I asked to talk to Chase public relationship department but got refused. Anyway, I felt sorry about their customer service training and business practice. I'm not sure if Chase no longer care about the business reputaion and only trying to make quick profit anyway they could.

I believe my payment is not late as I scheduled bill payment the same day as due date from Bank of America bill payment center and I shouldn't be charged the late fee and interest from Chase credit card. The arrangement of electronic fund transfer is only between my bank (Bank of America) and the Chase Bank USA and legally, the late fee and interest shouldn't be not my responsibility. Can any consumer affair attorney comment on this. Thanks.

Denise of Bronx, NY May 18, 2010

I enrolled in the Leisure Rewards debit Visa program for 25.00 a year. The program offers you 4 points for every 1 you spend using your card as credit only. I had about 13,000 unused points in my account. I had left my bank card at work on Saturday 5/8/2010 weekend and was nervous someone could use it, so I called chase and asked if they could just put a hold on the account until 5/10/2010 that Monday. They informed me they would be able to inactivate the account for up to 48hrs after that the account would close and that is all they said.

I called first thing Monday to reactivate the card. I was than notified that my points would be affected; I was transferred over to the Leisure Rewards Dept which was not even open yet for me to speak to anyone. I called later that day and was hold for over 20 minutes I had to hang up. I finally get in touch with the Leisure rewards Dept for them to tell me that since my account was deactivated I lost my points! I am a loyal customer I have 3 credit cards with them along with my checking and savings! And I paid 25.00 for the program! I lost out on all of my unused points that I earned! I used my card as credit for all my purchases some stores charge tax just for using card as credit as apposed to cash or debit!

D of Buffalo, MN May 18, 2010

Having had a Amocco gas credit card since 1977 with good payment history and use i was appalled at the treatment and mismanagement of the chase/ bp, which forced me to deal with chase, I was changed with out approval they sent stuff to the wrong address and unwilling to work out helpful plan, for a very minimual balance something under 20.00 at the end...rediculus. Several attempts to correct situation to just have them discontinue my card and were unwilling to re instate my over 30 year account. yes 30 years absolutely horrible treatment

my husband his this fiascal show up on his credit report and he is not a card holder, never has been on my account. we have only been married 5 years. he has a multi million dollar business that should not be haunted by this menial incident (on his credit report) that the bp/chase people did not want to correct ethically and responsibly which has snow balled into a minemuim of 500,000.00 of financial difficulties

Daniel of Los Angeles, CA May 18, 2010

I was using a Chase credit card over 17years. I satisfied their services, so I had 4 credit cards. I used them well, so 2 of 4 cards accumulated 6,743 points(it's cash refund 67.43 value: 1 point is a 1 purchase). Recently they checked my credit report, suddenly closed my 4 credit cards. They sent me a letter that there are 3 reasons. Now and then I didn't have any credit card balance. O.K. they don't want me a customer, I don't want to be one, either.

But they refuse my reward. They insist their reward, that's why I used their reward cards. Please make them pay me a reward money. I didn't close my accounts, they close my ones. Whatever their reasons. They pay me a reward. I'll never be their customer. Reward details are attached 2 statements. 3406 has 3,478 points and 4853 has 3,265 points. Their acct close reasons are *Current loan amount on all open accounts *Number of bankcard accts *Too many requests for/reviews of credit

Dan of Montevallo, AL May 17, 2010

Last month I received a call from a collection agency informing me that I had an outstanding balance on Chase Visa Card. I had not received a balance statement from them either by mail or electronically for over a year. When I called to inquire, I was dealing with someone in India, the only office you can use to complain. They could not tell me what the the charges were for and even though I have asked them, I still have not received a statement. They informed me they could only send by fax or mail, not electronically, even though they claim I have a paperless bill account. All attempts to contact Chase in this country have been fruitless.

mary of troy, NY May 17, 2010

i paid the balance in full on time my interest rate is 29% this month get abill for 3.78 for interest due interest on nothing is nothing and the want more trying to tell me something about the billing cycle bull ishouldnt be paying 29% interest either so they are waiving the charge which tells me the charges were bogus and now i wander how long ive been getting ripped for if 100,000 people pay 3.78 in bogus interest charges the bank makes 300,000 doesnt seem fair to me also they told me if i had acomplaint i had to put it in writing wouldnt give me a complaint #

Tosha of covington, GA May 17, 2010

I was told by Consumer Affairs that my account was being closed because I owed WAMU money. I opened an account with Chase with the only money I had left in the world from an iNsurance policy from my deceased mother. 1100..I only wanted to cash the check, but was talked into opening an account. I was put on the phone with Yvette A by a banking specialist so she could explain my money being taking for a debt. I explained to ms arreola that i was homeless and this was all the only i had in the world. SHE LAUGHED AT ME...literally laughed on the phone in my face. I owed WAMU money.

It was okay when they did pay my escrowed homeowners with statefarm and my policy was cancelled. THen WAMU placed a force policy on my mortgage which then increased by 276 monthly...but I owe them money. Ihave never felt so low and disrepected in my entire life. Being homeless and living in my car is disgrace enough without being laughed at and made fun of.

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