Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pirates Released by Russian Navy Apparently Perished at Sea

Pirates released after assault operation near Gulf of Aden apparently perished

12:16 11/05/2010

The Somali pirates who were captured in an assault operation after hijacking a Russian tanker near the Gulf of Aden and then released by Russian military officials have not reached the coast and have apparently perished, a top-ranking source in Russia's Defense Ministry told journalists on Tuesday.

Russia's Moscow University tanker was hijacked last week near the Gulf of Aden. Ten pirates were captured and one was killed in the assault operation.

The captured pirates were initially to be sent to Moscow for prosecution, but Russian military officials then made the decision to release them, citing the absence of a legal base to carry out prosecution procedures against pirates.

The pirate's boat reportedly disappeared from radars an hour after they had been released by the Russian military.

MOSCOW, May 11 (RIA Novosti)

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