Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Selling Smoke

Creating Markets to Sell Things That Don't Exist

The best example I can think of is the insurance industry. Carnelius Vanderbilt had a shipping interest in New York, but also had several competitors. His plan was to either buy out, drive out, or make other ship owners pay to play.

So, he began sabotaging and otherwise causing his competition major problems. He carried out acts of vandalism for many months. But his competitors were tenacious, albeit to the point of surrender.

Then, Carnelius had a bright idea. He would create an insurance policy for shippers which they could buy and live life supposedly free of further harrassment. No need to waste his energy burning and wrecking if they would pay to not be burned and wrecked.

Carnelius' reputation and contacts in government made it smooth sailing for him after that. When he later moved into other industries the competition just moved over, sold out, and otherwise cooperated.

Today we see laws requiring you to buy insurance, but few laws requiring insurance companies to pay up when valid claims are filed. Thanks Carnie!

My point is that we are about to see the largest gang rape of all time in the embodiment of a created market called Carbon Credits. Laws will be passed to require you and me to pay for industrial carbon emissions. Al Gore and his fake global warming scare are softening us up for the coming tariffs. The recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland have set back any reduction in carbon emissions we puny humans can achieve by more than 100 years, but Al soldiers on ...

The Chicago Carbon Exchange will coordinate the transferrance of Carbon Credits from one entity to another, but no carbon will disappear.

This is set to be a $10 Trillion rip off, so players like Goldman Sachs are getting in early to rake off as many coerced dollars as possible. Fanny Mae is currently trying to patent a device to monitor and shut off your electrical outlets in the event you fall behind on payments. Why the hell is a mortgage company in the electrical business? Huge profits from selling something that does not exist, and the ability to foreclose if you get too far behind, that's why.

So, laws will be passed alloting a set amount of 'carbon credits' to corporations and individuals. Then, more laws will be passed requiring companies and individuals to buy 'carbon credits' according to their calculated average usage. The Chicago Carbon Exchange will broker the deals. No emissions will be lessened, no global warming gasses will be depleted, money will change hands for doing absolutely nothing more than keeping track of the money that changes hands.

You wanted Change? You got it ...

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