Democratic politicians' arrests shows natural match of liberalism and corruption
Whether it be President Obama or Democratic lawmakers at all other levels of government, it’s becoming more apparent that malevolence and corruption are at the core of what drives liberal politicians.
In the past few days we’ve been bombarded with news of several Democratic lawmakers being arrested on corruption charges while Mr. Obama continues his bizarre mission to make the United States appear weak and confused in the international arena.
Liberal corruption and efforts to do damage to this country come from the same disease: politicians’ belief that they are superior, requiring constant evidence for themselves that everyone else is beneath them.
With the president embarrassing us in Europe and the first lady spending millions of taxpayer dollars in China on what is obviously another private vacation, Democrats have been getting arrested here at home.
California state Sen. Leland Yee, an outspoken advocate for gun control, has been indicted on charges of arms trafficking and public corruption.
Illinois state Rep. Keith Farnham, a Democrat, has resigned after it was revealed he is being investigated for child pornography. Pennsylvania state Sen. Leanna Washington has been ordered to stand trial on corruption charges.
The FBI and Internal Revenue Service have raided the home and office of Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox, a Democrat, in a “criminal investigation.”
Patrick Cannon, the Democratic mayor of Charlotte, N.C., has been arrested by the FBI, and faces federal charges of theft and bribery.
For years now, it has become obvious that politicians are no longer the best of society or the accomplished individuals the Founders expected would be drawn to public service. Instead, lawmakers, in charge of our lives and protecting the free world, are tending to be the worst of society.
This is no surprise, however, in what is becoming a one-party system. I’m not speaking of Democrats and Republicans per se, but of liberalism controlling the political landscape in both parties.
Believing that big, nanny-state government is the solution, you must also believe the average citizen cannot control his own life, that government is the only answer for a nation of what lawmakers see as drooling, incompetent infants.
Politicians’ contempt for the citizen is illustrated every time they exempt themselves from the laws they create for us. They are above the law in their own minds; ergo, better than everyone else.
Contempt for the citizenry grows, and a surveillance state is put into place to ostensibly protect us from ourselves. In truth, it exposes the distrust and contempt the lawmakers hold for “regular” people.
Once liberal lawmakers control pretty much everything, there’s no challenge at all to ongoing criminal and unconstitutional behavior. After all, why stop? Laws are for the “little people.”
And no, the feds finally arresting corrupt Democrats is not a sign of progress. This is likely the tip of the iceberg, and arguably an action by a highly politicized Department of Justice in an election year, when polls are showing that the American people have had enough of the Obama regime’s behavior.
Republicans are complicit in this dangerous decline. There have been no consequences for the IRS or National Security Agency crises, and Mr. Obama is never challenged on what is arguably at least unconstitutional actions with his capricious and autocratic changing of ObamaCare.
Mr. Obama’s latest bizarre action? At a news conference at The Hague while answering a question about Russia’s potential threat to the United States, he actually stated, “I continue to be much more concerned, when it comes to our security, with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”
That answer, in and of itself, is remarkable. Here the president of the United States openly expresses doubt that we have secured the city of New York, the No. 1 terrorist target in the world.
Perhaps we should be concerned, because while publicly lamenting the nuclear security of New York, Mr. Obama himself has been working to undermine that city’s ability to defend itself from a nuclear attack. The New York Daily News notes the Obama administration has again proposed to “slash the budget for the one initiative designed to protect Manhattan from nuclear threats.”
Mr. Obama’s efforts to make vulnerable the American people don’t end in New York. He is also determined to abolish our highly successful Tomahawk and Hellfire missile programs, an action that threatens the security of this nation as a whole.
Liberal corruption and efforts to do damage to this country come from the same disease: politicians’ belief that they are superior, requiring constant evidence for themselves that everyone else is beneath them.
Of course, contempt drives a need to punish. How better to accomplish this than to use political power forcibly creating a society of the weak and vulnerable, while behaving in a manner that reinforces the craven irony that lawmakers are above the law itself.
Americans have grown increasingly concerned with liberals controlling both parties, and this fuels the demand that the conservative ideal return to the governing principles of the Republican Party.
It’s time liberals at every level of government find out that their agenda of tearing down this nation, spending us into oblivion while exempting themselves from the rule of law will no longer stand.
The day of reckoning is Nov. 4. In the meantime, Republicans and Democrats alike in Congress have a duty to stop the increasing recklessness of Mr. Obama.
Editor's note: This op-ed originally appeared on the WashingtonTimes.com.
Tammy Bruce is a radio talk-show host, New York Times best-selling author and Fox News political contributor
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