Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Anti-Israel Propaganda: By the UN

Anti-Israel Propaganda: Brought to You by the U.N.

Posted by Jacob Laksin @ Wednesday 17 August 2005, 11:28 am

It does not exactly strain credulity to believe that the United Nations would underwrite anti-Israel propaganda. Comes now tangible evidence to corroborate the fact. Quoting a U.N. official, The New York Sun reports that the “United Nations bankrolled the production of thousands of banners, bumper stickers, mugs, and T-shirts bearing the slogan ‘Today Gaza and Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem,’ which have been widely distributed to Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip…”

The Sun further notes that “[i]n addition to the slogan ‘Today Gaza and Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem,’ many of the materials displayed the logo of the United Nations Development Program.” A spokesman for the U.N. Development program, meanwhile, tenders this risible defense: “We are emphatically neutral …We do not lend ourselves to political messaging in favor of any particular faction or ideology.” This from an affiliate of the organization that once pronounced Zionism tantamount to racism.

Note, too, that slogan: “Today Gaza and Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem.” It is, as readers will assuredly recognize, the classic rallying cry of Israel’s enemies, signifying as it does the intention to bring all of Israel under the yoke of Arab rule. And while it would be unfair to say that the U.N. as a whole shares that vision, it is no secret that the organization has never approved of the territories conquered by Israel in 1967; indeed, much of the U.N.’s time is taken up with issuing resolutions condemning the “illegal” “occupation.” Still, it is shocking and disheartening to see U.N. funds used for such malign purposes at a time when Israel, in accordance with the U.N.’s longtime position, is expelling its own citizens from Gaza.
Of course, the Gaza disengagement was not implemented for the benefit of U.N. plenipotentiaries. But Israeli officials have expressed their hope that the Israeli pullout would usher in an end to the U.N.’s “Israel-bashing,” as Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Dan Gillerman, recently put it. Memo to the ambassador: Don’t count on it.

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7 Responses to “Anti-Israel Propaganda: Brought to You by the U.N.”

Mark Says: August 17th, 2005 at 11:56 am

The U.N.(useless nuisance) is completly broken, completly inefective, and the USA needs to get out of the U.N., and get the U.N. out of the USA.

President Bush absloutly stifled all liberal supporters of the U.N., by appointing John Bolton, who is an outstanding man for the job, to the failed, and completly broken U.N.
Where is Amnesty International, when you really need them?

Oh, that’s right, Amnesty International doesn’t count Israel in it’s “countries to protect the rights of the people” catagory.

The U.N. is broken, and has been for quite some time, and we need to get out of it, and we need to get it out of our country!

dark900 Says: August 17th, 2005 at 12:55 pm

The U.N. wants Israel to be destroyed, this is expected by the folks over at the U.N. I believe since WWII, the model of the U.N. was really suppose to be in the hands of the U.S. But thanks to all the Soviet spies and their Arab allies, they have hijacked the U.N. for their own global Communist-Socialist agenda. Why do you think Cuba or some other Third World dictatorship is on the Human Rights Commission? It’s because their pals in Russia and China control the politics of the U.N.

The U.S. does its best to side with Israel, but Israel is outnumbered by the Arab League and other influences. The U.N. isn’t just anti-Israel, it’s also anti-Taiwan and wants a One-China Policy. Taiwan has been kept out of the U.N. thanks to Chinese influence, but the only nation that has supported Taiwan to get a set of the U.N. is the U.S. So the U.N. doesn’t just want Israel to be destroyed by the Arab League and its parternership with Russia, China and the PLO, but also wants to keep out Taiwan and forward a One-China Policy.

J. Bargholz Says: August 17th, 2005 at 1:47 pm

Why doesn’t the UN get it over with and start manufacturing bombs for the “Palestinians?” I’m surprised the T-shirts didn’t read: “My son blew himself up and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.”
Contrary to its stated mission, the UN has been a destabilizing force in the world for decades now. The US should withdraw and take back the clubhouse we built for them. It would make a nice convention center.

A new organization should be formed comprising the free nations of the world. No dictatorships, kleptocracies or theocracies allowed. Any country that denies its citizens human rights should likewise be excluded. And most importantly, only countries of consequence should be allowed to run the show. All countries are not equal and do not deserve an equal vote. Any Security Council or similar panel that could authorize military action should consist of countries such as: America, Britain, Japan, Israel, Australia, Russia and India. A big “non!” to France.

Presently, a great deal of time, money and effort are being wasted on an organization that is damaged BEYOND REPAIR.

Madzionist Says: August 17th, 2005 at 2:07 pm

Actually, JB, the UNRWA has actually been caught red handed illegaly using their vehicles to smuggle weapons to islamic terrorists in Gaza and Judea. Also, they have openly admitted to staffing members of HAMAS on their payroll. The UN is absolutely determined to see the destruction of Israel, and should be considered a terrorist organization that needs to be permanently dismantled.

dgene Says: August 17th, 2005 at 2:23 pm

- largely a collage of tin pot dictatorships and theocracies given a soapbox on the world stage, currently managed by a loose collection of grafters.- Sell the public tickets as to a freak show.

dark900 Says: August 17th, 2005 at 3:05 pm

I say we pull out of the U.N. because of this. I think it would be impossible for old Bolton to do anything in the U.N. It’s too corrupt to be reformed. If China, France or any other anti-American nations wishes to host the U.N., be my guest. Because I don’t want an anti-Jewish/anti-Israel organization that’s being funded by tax payer money.

Madzionist Says: August 17th, 2005 at 4:20 pm

Madzionist: An Expulsion Essay
It’s happening as I type. Jews throughout Gaza are one by one being forcibly pulled from their homes while they are crying and screaming with grief, anger and despair. “Why is this happening?” I keep asking myself. What could possibly be the reason to take 9,000 innocent people from their homes by force, round them up, and deport them into tent cities against their will?

Read the rest and comment at: Madzionist Blogoff

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