Friday, August 19, 2005

Condoleeza Rice: Warmonger

Posted by jewishindy on Friday, August 19 @ 14:21:11 EDT

"...Condoleeza Rice: I, Beth Goodtree, formally declare war on you.
I want your home, your land and all of the possessions contained therein. And, following in the Arab/Muslim footsteps of whom you so heartily approve, I do not need a reason for this declaration of war except that I despise your very existence. I also demand US money for improvements to said home, land and possessions."
By Beth Goodtree
August 19, 2005

Even the best professionals occasionally slip and let their true feelings come through. Condoleeza Rice did it today and we now know her for what she truly is: A genocidal warmonger.

"In an interview with The New York Times published Thursday, she said, 'Everyone empathizes with what the Israelis are facing' and said that in the interest of advancing peace, "It cannot be Gaza only." (1)

Already, with the firing of rockets at not just Israel, but a US military base and a US ship, it is obvious that Ms. Rice's statement is shockingly naive, at best, for the US Secretary of State. But let's look at that statement more closely, specifically, this portion of it: " the interest of advancing peace, it cannot be Gaza only." (1)

Since Ms. Rice is so concerned with "advancing peace," we must then ask 'why is there war?'

The answer to this is simple. The Arabs/Muslims have never accepted the reestablishment of the Jewish state as the aboriginal and historic homeland of the Jews. Within hours of Israel's founding, she was mercilessly attacked from all sides by the Arabs.

And why?

Certainly not because Jews 'stole the land.' All the land was purchased legally from the original owners -- whether they were from "Palestine" itself or elsewhere. Furthermore, top dollar was paid for this land which, in many cases, was uninhabited, undeveloped and, in many cases and hardly more than swamps and rocks.

So why did they attack? Zahir Muhsein, Executive Committee member of the terrorist PLO said it best:

"... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.

However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." (1)

The Arabs/Muslims attacked because they reject any Jewish presence in the Middle East. In fact, they have made a Trojan horse of the entire fiction of an Arab “Palestinian” people with which to steal rightful Jewish and Christian holy lands that now comprise Israel. And if they can’t steal it by lying, they will steal it through war and terror.

For nearly 60 years, the Arabs have waged war on Israel for merely existing. And Condoleeza Rice, instead of saying “This war of aggression must stop or suffer the consequences,” is telling Israel to capitulate to those waging war upon her peaceful citizenry.

According to Condi’s logic, for the advancement of peace, we (the US) should not be in Iraq or Afghanistan; we should have given Osama a chunk of the US.

According to Condi’s logic, for the advancement of peace, London should be given to al Qaeda.

According to Condi’s logic, for the advancement of peace, the US should now give the people who fired those rockets at a US Naval ship and a US military base that ship and that base.

According to Condi’s logic, for the advancement of peace, we should not have fought WWII; we should have given Hirohito, Mussolini and Hitler the keys to the White House.

According to Condi’s logic, war and terror are legitimate ways to acquire territory and merit the victim capitulating or face her (and America’s) condemnation, punishment and wrath.

Therefore, Condoleeza Rice is a warmonger, encouraging terror and war by rewarding it with gifts of land, property and money (read that ‘welfare’). You see, she also intends to bestow upon this Arab/Muslim terrorist rabble who erroneously call themselves ‘Palestinian’ a king’s ransom of pelf from the American taxpayers’ pockets.

However, Condoleeza Rice’s transgressions do not end here. She is not merely a warmonger, but a genocidal one. She is actively advocating rewarding the war and terror waged by a people who are doing so because their victims are Jewish and Israeli. The Geneva Conventions clearly state that genocide is defined as murderous aggression against an individual or group based upon, among other things, religion, nationality and/or ethnic origin.

Given Condoleeza Rice’s attitude that war and terror will get you what you want with the happy assistance of the US administration, I will follow in the footsteps of certain recent, freedom-loving activists. They are those admirable Americans who are now pursuing the acquisition of Chief Justice Souter’s home, under the law of Eminent Domain which he voted for and which endangers every single American home.


Condoleeza Rice: I, Beth Goodtree, formally declare war on you.

I want your home, your land and all of the possessions contained therein. And, following in the Arab/Muslim footsteps of whom you so heartily approve, I do not need a reason for this declaration of war except that I despise your very existence. I also demand US money for improvements to said home, land and possessions.

The only thing you may take with you is your cross. You may need it to further crucify Jewish victims of Arab/Muslim war and terror.

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