Sunday, August 21, 2005

Big Surprise: Bush is a Failure.

August 21 : Josh Powell

Bush has achieved his personal goals and is taking a break from it all. But, he has left our country far worse off than when he first appeared as President.

His approval rating is now a mere 31%, which means that if he ran against Daffy Duck today, he would lose.

But, he has achieved his personal goal of attacking and capturing Saddam Hussein. Saddam 'tried to kill my daddy', so that was top priority. Mission Accomplished.

Goal number 2 was that as an 'oil man' he has managed to more than double the price of petroleum products nationwide. By the end of his appointment it will have escalated by more than 300%. A friend of mine offers that he is so far under the sheets with the Saudis that he cannot find his way out with a flash light.

He declared that rising fuel prices would not affect the economy, and his minion Alan Greenspan is doing a great job of making it appear there is no inflation. But beware as the near future is fraught with doubt. If the price of bread and milk increase by 50% or more in 2 or 3 years, we know we have inflation at our doorstep. Once the incline begins we will not be able to stop it for 10 years or more. It is driven by the most powerful force on earth, greed.

Another indicator is the spot price of precious metals, the traditional hedge against inflation. Gold has risen more than 50% since Bush took over. We have inflation even though the official stance is that we do not. Read the numbers at Kitco.Com.

The business as usual with the Bush Whitehouse is still the 'Bait and switch' brand of getting what he wants. How many times have you heard him plead for something, deceive the population, and more importantly for him, the congress, only to find it is a far reaching program that ultimately screws taxpayers to the wall.

His 3rd big goal is to enrich Big Business. He opines that what is good for Big Business is good for the country. We have all witnessed the scandalous war machine contracts and oil and energy price gouging.

But, he makes it seem like a great idea when he explains that the effect will be to enrich all Americans. But Not So ... just as the Reagan 'Trickle Down Theory' or, 'Voodoo Economics' could not work, neither does Bush's 'outsource and gouge' plan.

The real goal is rather than to try the trickle down trick again, he will 'Vacuum Up' to the top and hold it there. No new jobs are being created with the increased revenues. Rather, jobs are being outsourced to other countries. But, to be fair, some jobs are being created for illegal aliens. This will increase corporate profits too, just as slave labor increased tobacco profits in the 18th and 19th century.

In the last election, over 76 Million Registered Voters did not vote.

What the Hell is wrong with you people !

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