Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hamas Gloats at end of 'Zionist Dream'

Afghanistan was once the fertile training ground of terrorists. Through the efforts of the American lead coalition, control by the Taliban was sufficiently reduced and those terrorist training bases were moved to Pakistan. The recent bombings in London were conducted by terrorists trained in Pakistan. If Gaza becomes the next terrorist training area, all of Europe will be far more vulnerable than they are presently. Terrorists are streaming back into Gaza. It is not only Israel who suffers. The larger target of the terrorists is the West.

Please forward this to the press everywhere. No longer are we confronting liberal v. conservative views but we are quickly being forced to confront the main issue – Islamic domination of the world. Only by understanding the larger goal of the terrorists can we hope to develop support among ‘liberal’ politicians, press and their supporters. Historically, majority rule is a myth. The real rule is, the motivated minority dominates the apathetic majority.

Hamas Gloats at 'End of Zionist Dream'

Arutz-7 - Aug 21, 2005

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal declared on Wednesday that the current Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip marks "the beginning of the end of the Zionist dream in Palestine."

Not far from the chaotic scenes of disengagement in Gush Katif, Hamas leader in Gaza Mahmoud Zahar concurred that the Israeli withdrawal signifies the collapse of the Zionist movement and is "a sign of the final battle that will decide the conflict."

"It is a defeat for Israel, which did not find an answer to the Kassam rockets or the war of the tunnels or to suicide attacks," insisted Zahar, adding that the disengagement will lift the morale of the Arab and Islamic world and affect the battle for Afghanistan and Iraq.

"We are part of the great world plan whose name is the world Islamic movement," Zahar stated. "We do not recognize the State of Israel or its right to control any of the land of Palestine."

The boasts came as Israeli Ambassador to Washington Daniel Ayalon warned that Hamas is engaged in a massive buildup of manpower and weapons and must be dismantled by the Palestinian Authority.

"They have taken a tactical decision to keep terror on a low flame but not stop it entirely," Ayalon said. "But we observe a very massive buildup with recruitment and training of new terrorists, of mobilizing more financial support and explosive munitions, and having the cells ready and the chain of command ready."

Noting the perils in disengagement, Los Angeles Times columnist Max Boot cautioned yesterday that: "The real danger from Gaza may not be to Israel but to the rest of the West... If, following the Israeli pullout, Gaza becomes another training ground for Islamo-fascist fanatics - a successor to Afghanistan under the Taliban - the resulting terrorists will find the US and Europe much easier targets than Israel, which is the world's most heavily defended state."

"Irony of ironies, perhaps in a few years enlightened Westerners will rue the day when Israel gave up control of Gaza."


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