Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chase Conspires To Bilk Customers

Chase Conspires to Bilk Customers

It is evident and can be shown through public records and customer complaints that Chase Credit Card Services is and has been conspiring to cause their customers to lose points on their credit scores, create situations that cost customers excessive interest and charges, and has policies which prevent customer service representatives from correcting errors which Chase has fraudulently initiated.

These practices have been in place at least since Chase has acquired other banks and their clientele. Many customers of what is now Chase have flocked to consumer complaint organizations and flooded Chase’s Customer help lines. The major complaints are that Chase, without due cause, has terminated or decreased their credit lines. These are people with up to 25 years of excellent payment histories. Experian, Chase’s lap dog, is always quoted to be the initiator of the action when in fact it is Chase’s soul decision.

Chase’s Customer Help personnel are trained to be obtuse, argumentative, and elusive. Customers are asked to provide unnecessary documentation, to call another number, to write to another PO Box or simply told their complaint has been sent to some non-existent third party.

Another favorite is for Chase to assist you in making a late payment. If you mail a check they are likely to sit on it for weeks or even ‘lose’ it in order to cause you a late fee. If you have an automated payment set up and your payment date falls on a Sunday or Holiday your payment will be posted late. Call to complain and your are told, ‘Sorry, no exceptions.’ Chase, apparently, would rather have your $39 late fee now than your future business.

There are myriad variations on these themes and others, which are created daily. They are all geared to place you in a subservient position and to take your money regardless of your feelings about it. This is why I, and others, have decided to enter into a class action lawsuit. This is more about restoring dignity to those who have been lied to and abused by Chase than it is about money.

If you have been abused by Chase and would like to join this action simply reply with your email address.

To see hundreds more complaints click HERE.

To file a complaint with the Comptroller Of The Currency, click HERE. This is the only known way to get their attention.

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