Sunday, May 30, 2010

Corporate Greed Got You Down?

'We' may be screwed, but you don't have to be ...

Throughout society, in every nation, there are people in charge of important things in your life who are completely incompetent. Example after example has proven this to be true beyond even a shadow of a doubt.

These people have created markets designed to make themselves wealthy while disregarding the outcome if things go wrong. They pile up the cash and when disaster strikes they run and hide because their incompetence is exposed.

In our country we wrongly assume there are laws in place, regulations to follow, safeguards which protect us. Not even remotely true. Whatever laws exist are so lengthy and convoluted as to be (intentionally) uninforceable.

The people in charge of asking the relevant questions such as,"What will you do if things go wrong" and, "What is your commitment to make things right to your customers or investors" have been paid off with cash or favors. We are rapidly becoming another Russia, no offense to Russians, but read the paper.

My life experience has hardened my viewpoints. I learned the hard way, by being screwed by corporate entities again and again. Then I discovered that they are not in charge of me, I am in charge of me.

Complaining on an internet blog does absolutely no good. Calling Customer Service will elicit insults and the old run-around. Emailing Customer Service does the same, but at least you get a response in writing with an albeit fake name for a signature. But, it is still evidence of incompetence.

Give the email complaint a few tries. Save the responses to your computer. Then, contact the State Attorney General of your state as well as their state. (Hint: The US Attorney General is useless) If your problem is with a lending institution you should also contact the Comptroller of the Currency, a department within the US Treasury.

Spell out your problem, state it chronologically and specifically. Name names and give complete descriptions of all that has happened. Also, at the end, say what it is that will give you satisfaction, this is very important. A complaint without a solution is easy to ignore or to be answered with platitudes of no consequence or even more insults.

You will win. There is no opportunity for them to dodge if you follow this advice. And, what do you have to lose anyway?

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